Thursday, May 26, 2011

Examinations are an unfair way

            Examinations are an unfair way of assessment but they have both positive and negative aspects. In this essay I will look whether assessments should not be used at the HCT and discuss both sides of the argument.
                First let us look at why examinations are an unfair way. They cause nervousness and testing doesn’t fulfill the pupose as students get lower grades because they feel unwell. For example, when the student study a line at home and test themselves they get a good mark, but when have a test at HCT they will be unwell because there are teachers in the hall and cause bad marks. A second argument is students should be graded on their classroom assignments. This is a way for students to get a high mark if they do a good assignments on their classroom. Also some exams are poorly written and are culturally biased against non- western students. For example, some exams written by western teachers for a western audiences are biased and non-westerners will score lower due to this bias
               Now let us look for students who want assessments at the HCT. First, testing is fair because all student take the same test and are assessed equally. For example, for the teacher it is easy for checking and for student to study together. Another negative argument is testing is a good way to determine what student have learned in the course. For example, when the student do exams they will know their level. A final negative argument, this will encourage student to work hard and will give them good feedback on their understanding of the subject.
             There are arguments for and against the statement. However, on balanece I believe the supporting argument, that the assessments should not be used at HCT more than other argument.

Word count   :  299

Blocking websites

             In many countries around the world, they don’t have blocks on internet access of websites deemed unacceptable, but in the UAE there is a block on websites. Some people disagree, believing that they should be free to find the things which they search for. Others agree strongly with the need for media control. This essay will examine the arguments for and against media control.
              There are many arguments against etisalat blocking websites. Some people feel that they should be free to decide what they want to read from websites. They think they are mature enough to know what is good and bad. Others feel that blocking websites is pointless today. It is also impossible to block websites on satellite or on the internet. One of the biggest objections to etisalat blocking websites is that much material is blocked for no apparent reason.
               There are many arguments for blocking websites and I agree with them. People in favor of blocking websites believe strongly that the society needs to be protected aganst pornographic material. Very few people would support the availability of hard core pornographic movies or magazines. Another point in favor of blocking websites is that many people are not educated enough to understand for example the children.
           In conclusion, there are strong points for and against blocking websites. However, on balance, I believe the supporting arguments more that other argument. But the government should shut down the internet because there is too much information.

 Word count:246

Visitors to Canada, 1996 to 2006

                  The line graph demonstrates the fluctuation of visitors from Spain and Japan to Canada from 1996 t0 2006. In this essay I will discuss how many people go to visit Canada in this period.

                    Starting in 1996, there was a significant difference in the number of visitors from Spain to Canada. There were almost 300,000 Spanish visitors, compared to 850,000 Japanese visitors. The number of Japanese visitors remained steady from 1996 to 2001. Also, the number of Spanish visitors was the highest in 2004 and the lowest in 1996. The number of visitors from Japan was 800,000, while250,000 were from Spain in 1996. The fewest number of visitors from Spain was in 1996. Between 1996 and 1999 the visitors from Spain sharply increased to 620,000 visitors. In 1999 the number of Japanese visitors gradually decreased, on the other hand, the number of Spanish visitors sharply decreased.

              In conclusion, the number of Japanese visitors outnumbered the Spanish visitors during the ten year period, even though they were similar at the end of the period.

Word cont     171

City Population

                 The graph shows the population change of the largest cities in the world between 1950 to 2015. Overall, there is an increasing population trend in all major cities except London.
                The largest change in the population number is Lagos Nigeria. In 1950 Lagos had only one million people but in 2015 it will increase to 22 million. However London had a drop in population number between 1950 to 2015. It is fell from 8 million to 7 million. The largest city in 2000 was Tokyo which had 26 million. Also, the two largest cities will be Bombay and Tokyo with a population of 26 million. Between 1950 to 2015 New York increased by only one million. London had a same population between 1950 to 1970 with 8 million and between 2000 to 2015 fell to 7 million. Also, Tokyo had the same population between 2000 to 2015 at 26 million.
            In conclusion, the future population will have the largest increase in South Africa and Asia. However, there will be a drop in London.

Word cont : 170

Sunday, May 22, 2011

#5 mobile phones- argument

              A mobile phone is very dangerous in the world if you use it when you drive. Mobile phones have both positive and negative aspects. In this essay, I will look at whether mobile phones should not be used when you drive and discuss both sides of the argument.

            First let us look at why phones should be made illegal while driving. The accident percentage will go down. For example, if people aren’t using their mobile, then they will concentrate on their driving. The second argument if it is illegal then police can stop people on the road if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people locksets. The traffic fines will help pay for traffic safety programs. For example, now when you go to take a drivers license they don’t have safety programs.
Now let us look for other side that it is an invaluable convenience and I am with these people. First if you have an important called and you don’t have your headphone you need to talk. For example if your company call you and should answer maybe there is an important thing. Another argument against, you can stop and complete your call on the side of the rood, but you want to know if your friend's home you stop the car and call him to ask for their home. The last point, businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an appointment and they should to answer the phone.

                There are arguments for and against the statement. However, on balance, I believe the argument that the phone can be used when you have an important call more than the other arguments.

Word count 280

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Leisure Products in the UK

             The two graphs show spending on leisure products in the UK by age group. Overall electronic equipment still is the biggest but share, but it decreases with age.
                 The biggest leisure products purchases by people between the ages of 20-30 have electronic equipment, with 41%. This dropped slightly to 38% by people between the ages of 50-60. Sports purchases plunged from 20% with people under 30 to 5% by people aged above 50. However, the share for photography did not change. The percentage of people which do gardening more than doubled from 7% to 16% also book and magazines purchases increased, almost doubled, from 16% to 28%. The other hobbies decreased by 3%.
                   In conclusion, the percentage of the leisure Products pending in the UK such as for gardening, and books and magazines is growing, let slowed clear differences between are grapes.

Obesity in UAE

              Obesity is a problem in the UAE. Over 55% to 60% of Emiratis people are overweight. This is a problem with many effects on the UAE. I will describe the problem and give solutions for Obesity in UAE.
            Obesity can be divided in to three causes. One of these couses is diet. Many people in the UAE eat too much fast food and there is too much food offered at every meal, like hareas. The Second cause of obesity is lifestyle. The people have sedentary jobs and they don’t do exercise and they don’t do physical work in their job. Also after marriage, exercise is not popular. The third one is education. There is not enough awareness of good nutrition and of health issues. Also the children are fed too much.
             There are several things that can be done about these problems. One of them is to eat healthy food. Encourage people to eat at healthy restaurants instead of fast food. The other solution  is change their lifestyle. They should do exercises every day and if you want to do a good exercise have bicycle and go with Mr. Gregory for 100KMs. The final result is the education. We should educate people in a special class about eating right, especially children.
In conclusion, there are several things that the people can prober their time for work and exercise. Both need to take action to examine the causes of this problem and find solutions.

The marriage fund in the UAE

The marriage fund in the UAE helps people to marriage. Many people want to marry but they can’t. This is a complex problem with many serious and effects.
There are many reasons for the marriage fund. One of these reasons is that the marriage is expensive. As a result of this, the numbers of unmarried people are increasing. The other reason is that people take a loan to get married. After the marriage maybe he can’t repay the money back to the bank because he will have children. A final one for the marriage fund is that the Emirati people will marry non-Emirati women. A result of this, the number of women in the UAE not married is increasing.
This change has important effects. Money from the marriage fund will decrease the loans. The people will not go to the bank to get the loan like before. Another effect is that it will increase the number of marriages. A lot of people will get married when they want if they have the money. A final effect is that more UAE women will get married. People will have money to marry Emirati women and also they will not go outside the UAE to marry like before.
In conclusion, there are good reasons for this problem but it has serious effects on the individual. In future the number of unmarried women will decrease if the marriage fund continues.

Information for three countries in North America

         This table shows information for three countries in North America. These countries are the United States, Canada and Mexico. All three are less similar to each other.
         First, the United States has the highest population at 295,734,134 while Canada the lowest by 33,098,932. The U.S and Canada have the largest land areas at 9,629,091sq mi, but Mexico has the smallest area at 1,923,039 sq mi. There are three different  languages. The US speaks English, Canada speak English and French while Mexico speak only Spanish. Also the literacy rates are very similar with 97% for US and Canada. The three countries have same religions and there are Protestant and Roman Catholic. The three countries have different exports between them.
             In conclusion, the United States achieved the highest in everything except  the  unemployment rate. The exports are the big difference in all countries. Overall, the countries are quite dissimilar, although the US and Canada are closer then they are to Mexico.

Reasons for Choosing a University

The chart shows 11 reasons why first year students from overseas chose a particular university. The survey of 1,000 first year overseas students was carried out at universities in the UK. The top three reasons are language of tuition, quality of teachers, and up-to-date teaching facilities.

According to the graph, the main reason is the language of tuition. At 95% of the sample, it was the main reason most students gave for choosing a university. The second biggest factor was quality of teachers, at 90%, followed by facilities, also at 90%.

Non-teaching factors were also important. Tuition cost were quoted as a reason by 75%, and location was mentioned by 75% of students. The cost of accommodation is also an important factor for 80% of respondents. Almost two-thirds of students said that the friendliness of the university was important.

In conclusion the various factors can be divided into two groups, namely those related to teaching and non-teaching related. However, the most important are the language and the teachers.